Boost Your Points
Boosting your points for a greater share of rewards.
By performing certain actions you may boost your points, increasing your position on the rewards leader board and enabling you to purchase more items (or higher value items). Ways to increase your points include:
Owning $Ryutsuka tokens. You will be rewarded additional points proportional to your token holding, so the more tokens you hold the more points you will receive for each activity.
Purchase NFTs. These are very valuable as they provide:
TSUKA reflections (there is no need to own $RYUTSUKA tokens)
Boost your points by x10. Only 1 NFT per wallet receives boosts.
There are plenty of other ways to earn points, some of which are documented below (friend and business referrals, special tasks, challenges and other as advertised)
Tom watched 10 videos this month and owns 5,000,000 tokens, and an NFT. Congratulations Tom! Tom will receive points for holding tokens, and additional points for owning an NFT.
Has 5,000,000 tokens
Square root of 5,000,000 = 2,236.
As a percentage vs all the other qualifying token holders, 2,236 = 3%
Has An NFT
10 videos watched = 100 Points
As a percentage vs all the other NFT holders, 100 Points = 13%
Tom's final USDC rewards will be (3% + 13%) / 2 = 8%.
The total USDC pool is $1000, so Tom will receive $80 in USDC.
Future additional Point Boosting Programmes
Medit8's platform can provide a vast number of additional ways to boost and earn more points.
These include (non-exhaustive list)
Last updated